Set FERPA Permissions
Your school must have licenses for both Student features and Parent features in order for the FERPA Permissions feature to be available.
In order for a parent, guardian, or other person to view information about a student, the student must grant permissions to each person by completing the form in the Set FERPA Permissions feature. When a student completes and submits a FERPA Permissions update, a J1 Desktop ID Number and a Campus Portal login (if needed) are created and may be sent in an email message to the person being granted permissions.
If you are a student and if you open the Set FERPA Permissions feature:
If no permissions have been defined, a message alerts you to this fact and the Define New Permissions for Student link allows you to complete the permissions form for a person to whom you wish to give permissions.
If you have previously defined permissions but none of them are currently active, a message alerts you to this fact and provides a see the defined permissions link to the Main screen of the Set FERPA Permissions feature. The Define New Permissions for Student link allows you to complete the permissions form for a person to whom you wish to give permissions.
If you have previously defined permissions that are currently active, a message alerts you to this fact, displays the person's names, and provides a see the defined permissions link to the Main screen of the Set FERPA Permissions feature. The Define New Permissions for Student link allows you to complete the permissions form for a person to whom you wish to give permissions.
If you have previously granted permissions and more than one link is displayed on the page, a message alerts you to this fact and provides a View current defined permissions link to view those permissions. If only one person has been given FERPA permissions, the screen for that information opens and displays the permissions.
If additional information is available for the person, you can view My Info by clicking the Information
icon beside a person's name (if available) or send the person an email message by clicking the Email
When you want to give permissions to a person, use the Define new permissions link to complete the permissions form provided by your school.
The View Current Permissions screen displays a list of persons with granted permissions, the permissions date range, and a View detail link for each person. If no permissions are currently set, the following message is displayed: "No Current or Future Permissions Defined."
If only one person has been granted FERPA permissions, permission details for that person are displayed on the Your Current Permissions screen and no links are displayed.
From the Set FERPA Permissions feature, click the View current defined permissions link.
On the Your Current Permissions screen, select the appropriate person and click the View Detail link to view permissions for that person.
Permission details for that person are displayed. Information in those categories with a green check mark
can be viewed by the indicated person.
From the Set FERPA Permissions feature, click the Define New Permissions or the Define New Permissions for Student link.
Complete the form provided.
To navigate between pages, you can use the Next Page-->, <--Previous Page, or View Table of Contents links at the bottom of the screen.
If you are ready to submit the permissions form, click the Review and Submit button navigate to the verification page by clicking the Next Page--> link on the last page of the form. If there are errors in your submission, you must correct those errors before submitting.
If you are not ready to submit the form for processing, you may be able to save the form to complete and submit at a later time by clicking the Save and Finish Later button. If there are errors in your submission, you must correct those errors before submitting.